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Why Use 3D CAD Drafting to Model a New Product?

If you're looking to expand your product range, then you might be thinking about using CAD drafting services at the start of the development cycle. While 2D CAD drawings give you a useful visual image of a product, you might see more benefits from upgrading to a 3D alternative.

What are the advantages of switching up to 3D Cad drafting?

Speed Up the Design Process

2D CAD drafting enables you to see a visual drawing of a product before you move towards manufacturing it. This two-dimensional representation is useful; however, it doesn't always show you the full picture.

While the product might look good at the drafting stage, you can't always see how the product will work in real life. Anyone who examines the CAD image has to turn its two dimensions into three in their heads. Some people find this a hard process.

While the design you see is accurate and comprehensive, it won't necessarily highlight areas of concern. You might miss a fault or error until you get to a prototyping stage later. You might then have to go back and redo your designs.

However, if you get a 3D image, you see something that is much closer to how the product will actually look. Anyone who sees the drawing will understand how it works.

Plus, if you view the drawing on a screen, you can move it around to check it from every angle. This makes it easier to see if the design holds up or whether it needs more work. If you speed up the design process, you reduce the number of prototypes you need and you can move on more quickly.

Reduce Design Costs

While you want a new product to be fit for market when you start manufacturing it, you don't want to spend too much money on this process. If you use 2D CAD services, then you run the risk that you'll have to pay for multiple changes if you miss faults or errors.

For example, you might not see product problems until you see an actual three-dimensional prototype. Your costs will increase at this stage because you'll need to go back and make design revisions and then pay for a new prototype.

If you use a 3D service, then you can test the product out a lot more effectively at the design stage. You can make revisions quickly and reduce your prototyping costs. By the time you need a prototype, you'll be more confident that the design works.

To learn more, contact a CAD drafting service like Quickturn Pty Ltd.
