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5 Safety Tips for Using a Hydraulic Cable Cutter

A hydraulic cable cutter is a useful tool that can be used on any type of metallic cable to cut through it rapidly and easily. It slices neatly, making it an invaluable asset in the field of construction, and there are a variety of options when it comes to choosing one. With no difficult maintenance required, these devices are easy to use and reliable. However, without proper safety measures, they could become dangerous or even lead to injury or death. Follow these five safety tips to avoid those outcomes.

1. Stay within limits

A hydraulic cable cutter can be used for many applications. Because this device is optional, it means that there are more variables based on personal use and specific situations that will lead to the difference between a safe and unsafe device. This is why there are limitations for how far you can cut through a cable and what types of cables may be cut. Therefore, when using your cutter to cut wires, make sure you don't go beyond the necessary size because it could cause damage or injury.

2. Don't slack on maintenance

If you do not take proper care of your hydraulic cable cutter, it will begin to lose its effectiveness and could even do more harm than good, becoming a safety risk for the user. Before using your cutter, you should run a clean rag over it to remove any dirt or dust that may have accumulated while it was unused. Wipe down the blade to remove any oil and grime buildup, then clean out any holes because all of this can affect how well your device works in the future. Since cleaning only takes a few minutes at most, it's a good idea to do this every time you use the cutter.

3. Cable tension

The cable tension plays a role in how smoothly your hydraulic cable cutter will cut, and even more important than using the right cutter is avoiding excess pressure against the blade while it is going through the metallic cable. This can lead to some sharp edges that could accidentally cut your hand or wrist, as well as cause the blade to become dull faster. If this is an issue, you should release some of this built-up tension before moving forward to avoid any injuries.

4. Leaks

One of the biggest threats when using a hydraulic cable cutter is the possibility of it leaking. Leaks are a precursor for cutter failure, so remember to take extra precautions to check for any fluid leaks before use. Inspect the hoses thoroughly for signs of fraying or damage as well as holes. A weak cutter can rupture under pressure, so signs of wear should always be addressed promptly.

5. Safety protocol

Ultimately, safety is of the utmost importance when using any kind of cutting equipment. Because you will be dealing with potentially dangerous machinery, you should make sure to read up on the specific safety protocols for your cutter model. For example, some cutters need a guard to be chained to the handle in order to prevent accidents because of lack of control or carelessness. Using yours without the guard could cause the cutter to malfunction and cause serious injury.
