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4 Benefits of Using Plastic Belt Pulleys

While metal belt pulleys are a good fit for some applications, there are times when plastic products are a better option. What are the advantages of buying a plastic belt pulley?

1. Plastic Weighs Less Than Metal

Metal pulleys weigh more than plastic ones. If you have a weight-sensitive application, then you might not be able to source a metal pulley that is light enough for the job. Heavier pulleys also have higher inertia levels.

A plastic product is likely to be a better fit. These pulleys are light and easy to install. They won't add excess weight to your application and they have lower inertia levels.

Plus, the lighter weight of a plastic pulley also saves you money in shipping costs. You'll pay less to have plastic pulleys shipped than heavier metal ones.

2. Plastic Doesn't Corrode

If a metal pulley is exposed to liquids or moisture, then its body and parts can start to corrode. Rust can affect how smoothly a pulley system can run. If the pulley rusts too badly, then it will break. Plus, some substances, such as chemicals, can degrade metals and damage them.

Plastic doesn't corrode or rust. So, you can run a pulley in a constantly damp environment without causing any damage. Plus, different types of plastic can manage substances that might damage metal. Choose the right plastic and your pulley will stay in working shape for longer.

3. Plastic Doesn't Have Static or Magnetic Problems

The material a pulley is made from can have negative effects on surrounding materials or systems. For example, a metal pulley might create a magnetic charge that disrupts equipment or readings in a medical device.

Metal can also cause static electricity problems. A charge can spark a fire or ignite gases. It can also damage electronic systems that are close to the pulley system.

Plastic belt pulleys are safer and less problematic. They don't carry a magnetic charge. You can also buy specialist plastic models that won't hold or transfer any static electricity.

4. Plastic Is Quieter Than Metal

Metal belt pulleys are typically noisier than plastic models. Plastics have lower friction levels than metals, so they make less noise as they operate.

Plus, metal pulleys tend to have multiple pieces. This multi-piece construction can be noisier. Parts can move and rub against each other, creating more operating noise.

You can often buy plastic belt pulleys that are made from a single piece of plastic. They won't make the same noise as one with multiple parts. So, your pulley will run smoothly and quietly.

To learn more, contact belt pulley manufacturers.
